ingrid drafta

Ways to Feminine Unfolding

Hallo Ingrid Drafta für Living Brilliance Coaching

Meine Mission: ein glückliches Leben für Frauen

As a child, I already sensed the deep discomfort many women feel in a male-dominated world. Back then, the gap between genders was even greater—and men’s voices carried more weight. I couldn’t accept this. It felt wrong, unjust, and restrictive.

Even decades later, I continue to meet women who, despite outward success, feel unfulfilled and disconnected from themselves. This observation became my mission: to help women discover their vibrant brilliance and free themselves from old, harmful patterns.

My Journey to Feminine Unfolding

In my search for answers, I studied depth psychology and shamanic practices. I was especially fascinated by the connections between ancient healing arts and Jungian psychology. But something still felt missing.

Eventually, I found pivotal insights through the methods of Dr. Claire Zammit and Misa Hopkins. Their women-centered coaching and the work within the She Rising Academy taught me how women can free themselves from self-limiting patterns and rediscover their inner way to growth.

Today, I combine these approaches in my own program, *"Regenerating Emwayy,"* where emotions are used as a portal to feminine unfolding. A key element is the “Holding Meditation” by Misa Hopkins, which is both gentle and powerful.

Mitgefühl muss snicht ausbrennen

Schlüsselerlebnis: Hilfe annehmen

In September 2023, life offered me an unexpected lesson: a fall, a hip fracture—and a time of complete helplessness.

I lay there, unable to move. But then I experienced something wonderful: strangers came, extended their hands, and supported me. In what seemed like a hopeless situation, I was carried—by kindness, patience, and gentleness.

This moment brought me back to the essence of Yin energy: stillness, allowing, and healing. It felt as if my body released an old part of masculine energy to make space for feminine wisdom and balance.

Weibliche Energie als Kompass

This experience taught me the importance of accepting help and giving oneself time to heal. I am deeply grateful to everyone who supported me during this journey—and to life itself, which gently reminded me to pause.

Today, I use these lessons to guide women on their way to growth. My work is marked by empathy and a profound understanding of how to dissolve self-alienation. Together, we clear the way for more joy, self-compassion, and feminine power.

Schamanische und tiefenpsychologische  Erfahrungen

Harnessing the Power of the Unconscious

Symbols, archetypes, the hero’s journey—these are concepts from Jungian psychology that I explored through the Jungian Coaching School of Dr. Avi Goren Bar. These include elements of expressive arts therapy and Gestalt therapy.

Certificate Jungian Coach Ingrid Drafta

Drawing from unconscious resources to enrich everyday life

Women-Centered Coaching

The greatest obstacles to a woman’s growth today lie within her psyche, in the form of unconscious, highly limiting self-concepts. This method makes it possible to overcome these barriers.

Zertifikat Beyreuther Über mich Ingrid

Unfolding through feminine strengths

Clearing Energy Fields

Emotional wounds burden the luminous energy field and its chakras. The neuro-shamanic school of Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society teaches practices of soul journeys, rituals, and ceremonies.

Rewriting unconscious, limiting strategies and soul contracts

Self-Compassion, Key to Unfolding

Emotions are the key to feminine unfolding. The “Holding Meditation” from the She Rising Academy is the first step to a fulfilling and creative life. This method has been effective for over 2,000 years.

Living Brilliance Ingrid Drafta

Confidence, Joy and Flow

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Klarheit und Orientierung für Dich

Im Erstgespräch gewinnst Du Klarheit darüber, wie Du Dich durch mein Coaching-Programm selbst entfalten kannst. Du gewinnst einen Einblick in Deinen eigenen emotionalen Standort und Orientierung für die Entwicklung, die Du Dir wünschst.

Das Erstgespräch ist kostenlos, unverbindlich und vertraulich. 


Entdecke Dein verborgenes Genies mit Deinem kostenlosen E-Book

There’s a place within you where you already apply all the qualities needed for growth and self-expansion—where stepping out of your comfort zone and reorienting yourself feels natural.
I’ve created a free e-book to help you discover this place. You can order it via email.
The e-book allows you to recognize—and even write down in its pages—the qualities that already define you in a positive way today.
This is a space where you are unafraid of mistakes and see them as normal. Mistakes are part of learning.
So: Learn something that brings you joy, and discover your strengths in the process.
Order your e-book simply by emailing me at with the keyword "Genius"
weibliches Kraftzentrum Genie Ort der Kraft Living Brilliance

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So nimmst Du Kontakt mit mir auf!


+49 (0) 177-3333661


Ingrid Drafta / Schönbornring 18 / 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Germany)

One Click to Your Initial Consultation

Klarheit und Orientierung für Dich

Im Erstgespräch gewinnst Du Klarheit darüber, wie Du Dich durch mein Coaching-Programm selbst entfalten kannst. Du gewinnst einen Einblick in Deinen eigenen emotionalen Standort und Orientierung für die Entwicklung, die Du Dir wünschst.

Das Erstgespräch ist kostenlos, unverbindlich und vertraulich.