Anderswelt Weltentaucher Spiritualität Kunst Empathie Divination Seher

Seeing differently:

Seeing differently gives meaning to life. Just as this artist didn't simply paint the archipelago but portrayed it with mood, emotion, and spirituality. He brought the landscape to life twice.

When you see alternative worlds, it has a similar effect. Even without painting it, you perceive the landscape around you more deeply, in more detail, and with more significance. A walk becomes much more than just movement and fresh air.

You connect with the nature of this landscape, with Mother Earth and the sky. The landscape tells you about the dramas it has experienced and the pleasures it has known.

Nurture your gift!

World Diving

If you feel more than others, enjoy it as often as you can. Air and water on the skin - these elements have messages, different every day. They can resonate with our mood or change it. You can actively engage with them.

Imagine diving into the calm water in the foreground or into the spray farther back. Sit for a while on the rock where the sun shines so beautifully. Perhaps a dragonfly or a bee will visit you.

You also experience world diving with your animal, your horse, or your dog. I find the contact with the horse's breath particularly as world diving. Heart resonance occurs with the doing.

Anders sein Anderswelt sehen Schamanen Seelenreise Kunst

Power Animals

Power animals encounter us because we have something in common. They are usually not our pets but beings from the otherworld. We come into contact with them in dreams and on soul journeys.

Shamans recognize the power animal or bush soul of another. In Africa, the Elgoni saw a bear as the bush soul of Carl Jung.

Once, Michael Harner was on a power quest in a cave. At night, he heard the sound of hooves like from a herd of horses. They said, "We are horse." Then he heard the stamping of bison. They said, "We are bison." Finally, an animal came that didn't reveal its name. In the morning, the researcher gained the conviction that our Stone Age ancestors painted power animals.

Krafttiere Kraftsuche Vision Bestimmung Anderswelt
Anders sein Anderswelt Spiritualität Naturverbundenheit Medihinrad Schamanen Krafttier Kraftsuche Visionssuche

The Re-Enchantment of the World

The great fortune of your gift is that you can enchant the world again. You see and feel what is necessary and what you can do. The reenchantment of the world is connected to the greater whole.

Shamans are Earth keepers. The renaissance of shamanism coincides precisely with the time of crises and new wars that threaten us and the Earth alongside environmental destruction. Beyond the Earth, shamans reach for the stars and become star keepers, protecting the source of the universe, the future.

Reenchantment originated in America, and the movement towards it is called "Enchantivism." Reenchanting the world would effectively heal with its means not just the psyche, not just the individual soul, but the whole. Searching and reaching for new ways to bring about the turning point. One must be able to see differently, to see the beauty behind the problem, as the Navajo do in the Beauty-Chant:

"In Beauty I walk

There is beauty before me

There is beauty behind me

Beauty is around me

In Beauty I walk."

Anderswelt Enchantivism Wiederverzauberung Erdenhüter Schamanen

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